From the Twenties to Today The History of Best E-cigarettes
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Do you know what events lead to the formation of the best e-cigarettes? Nowadays, as cigarettes have originated and caused many lung related issues, people are looking for alternative ways to inhale nicotine. There are multiple alternatives for nicotine intake as well including salt-based, mouth sprays, inhales, tablets and chewing gums, but the most popular are e-cigarettes.
Since the evolution of human resources, people are finding different and unique ways of consuming nicotine in their bodies which dates back to thousands of years. Although, different beverages and food items have nicotine in it, the consumption mainly took rise when it sourced tobacco leaves. People didn’t take lung issues into consideration long after Dr. Benjamin Rush highlighted it back in 1798, stating that it may lead to the path of some incurable diseases mainly lung cancer. Moreover, he suggested that smoking in public was highly immoral and offensive.
Since then different inventors around the world are finding positive ways of nicotine intake replacing the smelly cigarette smoke. Read more to find know about the detailed history of vaping and where it’s heading:
What Started Vaping Culture?
The term vaping first came into existence in the early 20th century around a 100 years ago in New York, however people didn’t get on board with the idea and it didn’t really become a common notion right then. The efforts of inventors from around the world and different additions and subtractions within the recipe, structure, working, and technology uplifted the term. Until now, when it is quite common due to its odorless smoke and no lip-stain formulae.
Chronology of E-cigarettes
E-cigarettes had many stages of evolution till it reached the form that is now available to us. Following is the chronological history of e-cigarettes to know more about what you’re smoking:
Joseph Robinson 1927
The advent of vaping began with Joseph Robinson who structured and designed a vaping device back in 1927. He had invented a prototype called Mechanical Butane Ignition Vaporizer and filed a patent to get the approval to be sold in the market.
However, it took three years for the patent to get approved. By then Robinson had lost his interest leaving the concept as it was and didn’t bring it to the market. After him, the idea of building a vaporizer remained under the shadows for almost half a century.
Herbert A Gilbert 1963
It took a few decades for Herbet A Gilbert to follow Robinson’s theory of revelation, when in 1963 he brought the concept alive. He combined different technologies to come up with a cigarette alternative that does the work without even fire.
However, the major reason for it not getting the hype it deserved was because it couldn’t be taken in public as a cool or fashionable thing to do like cigarettes. The interesting part here is that he used similar technology which is used for making vaping devices nowadays. After his invention, Gilbert set a milestone for future vape inventors.
Phil Ray 1980s
Just 17 years after Gilbert, the concept of e-cigarettes began to merchandize more than usual when Phil Ray and his apprentice Normal Jacobson took a step forward in their journey.
Their invention used much mature and developed technology than the previous one, bringing a way of satisfying your nicotine needs without creating pollution in the environment. They eliminate the main flaw of the Gilbert’s model making it look and feel similar to cigarette.
It was mainly a paper dipped in nicotine solution for days under it is rolled to sell. The smell of this cigarette was so strong that it doesn’t even won’t require fire to inhale. Phil Ray’s idea wasn’t strong even to get a hold of people, but it made the idea of vaping even stronger.
Hon Lik 2003
Since Phil Ray, many people came forward to turn the idea of vaping into a top seller device until a Chinese pharmacist transformed in smoking addiction into a new invention that can change people’s lives.
For all his life, he has seen his father smoke, but soon after he saw him suffering from severe lung cancer to which he died. Lik examined his own addiction to smoking and decided to turn his idea into reality.
Initially, he tried several experiments using different vaporization technologies and mechanics to analyse the best liquid that can be decoyed as tobacco smoke when burned. Months after which, he got his ideal liquid i.e propylene glycol combined with vegetable glycerine. This combination still remains the major content in e-liquid.
The next stage was to make sure the duration was long for which he used small lithium battery with liquid nicotine solution to assess the atomization given the tube like shape which is quite popular these days.
As the concept of modern lithium batteries was new which allowed e-cigarettes to be used for hours, Lik had even gotten the advantage in that prospectus as well. He was using the latest technology compared to previous inventors.
After Hon Lik’s invention, vaping and e-cigarettes became popular worldwide. The popularity boosted when it was brought to Europe in 2006 and within years took turn to the UK & US.
Some Popular E-cigarette Brands
After the advent of modern e-cigarettes, many manufacturers came forward to take part in spreading the sales of this new product. Some of them are already involved in the industry and want to bring something unique for their customers or for the ones who want to slow down the nicotine intake, while others started raw and wanted to earn the name in the business. Some of the leading e-cigarette manufacturers are as follows:
Back in 2013, a manufacturer was seen uprising the e-cigarettes domain with their exclusive CE-5 style clearomizers. Their vaporizers claimed to give clearer smoke with more durability. However, things elevated for Aspire after their launch of the Nautilus tank in 2014 when people from all over the world began to look at Aspire from the perspective of an international brand.
They have been a true inspiration with their coil series which still remains the top contender for most vapers. Aspire has kept the eye-catching feel in mind for their marketing theme by bringing new and creative designs in their e-cigarettes and pods. People looking for elegance and classy edge prefer Aspire.
Their finest inventors include polished steel case making the design sleek with wide length glass windows. They avoid making big boxes that are unable to fit in the pocket, instead they go for an ergonomic pencil shaped style.
What are they famous for?
The best thing about them is they have integrated the MTL and DTL excellence in their work without compromising on their designer aesthetics. Aspire’s vapes and e-cigarettes give a tough time to many manufacturers, eliminating all the brutal designs with graceful and classic designs.
Blu has become quite a popular brand in the vaping industry in quite a short time with its dynamic device range to the transition of nicotine-based to nicotine-free choices ideal for people who’ve been thinking of cutting off smoke. Blu has every range of choice for every type of smoker so whether you’re a professional at vaping or looking for something new then you’ll definitely find the right choice giving you an unbelievable experience.
Do you yearn for the accommodation of vaping while out in a hurry? Do you partake in the manner flavor forms your experience to switch things up from your past smoking everyday practice? Do you long for an e-cig item that can give a medium nicotine strength, yet overwhelming hits?
Then, at that point, the Blu e-cigarettes may be the ideal gadget for you! These natural units come pre-charged and require zero support. Just open the bundling, eliminate the gadget, and begin vaping!
What are they famous for?
Beside the above benefits, the Blu vapes and e-cigarettes are one of the the main units in the blu setup that offers a wide assortment of flavors, with the choice to make your experience more customary with the tobacco or menthol expendable or tidy things up with flavors like cherry and vanilla. Additionally, at a strong 2.4% nicotine focus, you can have confidence that your desires will be happy with each puff.
Geek Vape
Next on our list is the GeekVape which originated in 2015 working on the idea that people should prefer vaping over smoking as it can bring a more positive change in the smoker’s life making it healthier and filled with energy. Their vision was to come up with a persona that is different yet relatable from the rest of the brands. They have also focused on the structure that can increase durability to be worth every penny.
Initially, the vaporizers and e-cigarettes designed by Geekvape lacked durability because of which they didn’t get much trust from the vapers. Nobody wants to spend big bucks and then end up regretting the decision because of numerous faults.
After they’ve realised the reason behind lack of sales and popularity, they did the only sensible thing they could do which was to increase the durability factor and to diminish the essence or aspects that may be disliked by smokers by taking a detailed survey.
What are they famous for?
GeekVape is known for rolling in the industry with added technology and advanced features within their vapes. They’ve made most of their products rainproof, shockproof, and particle proof so that you can take it anywhere you want without worrying about it getting damaged. Plus all the tanks available with it are polished to perfection.
Amongst many different e-cigarettes brands, you must have heard the name Juul that’s been manufactured and widely mechanised in the US for around a decade. You’ll be amazed to know that this brand sells almost 75 percent of the total e-cigarettes or vapes being manufactured in the market. It is amongst the top five brands that have a hold of about 95% sale and purchase of e-cigarettes in the international market.
Juul has been marketed in such a way that it pleases every type of crowd whether young or adults. The brand has kept its nicotine dosage in such balance that people don’t naturally realise that they’re having almost nicotine-free cigarettes.
Juul is more popular among the teenagers so much so that they have transformed the term vaping into juuling. This has made public health analysts come into focus to make it obvious that both are the same and isn’t appropriate for them.
What are they famous for?
Juul focuses on making the product simple yet effective so that smokers won’t be confused on which one to buy instead they keep their design straightforward to be accessible for all without making things extravagant.
One of the oldest e-cigarette companies known for still being in the trend today is SMOK. The brand dates back to the year 2010 when they had been experimenting with the taste, features, and mechanics to integrate within their domain. Until they’ve found their perfect match in the form of the famous TFV4 tank.
Being the experienced one in the industry, they have started everything early, when most manufacturers were just getting familiar with cotton coils, they launched the first ever triple and quad core coils to ease the vaping mechanics. Moreover, it was put forward as the biggest technological advancement in the vaping industry, setting the milestone and even origining the popular brands of today’s market.
SMOK has clarified several times that they haven’t just spent years but they’ve learnt from the experience, knowing how to play with each trick and how to set an example for others.
What are they famous for?
The brand SMOK has transformed a lot in every possible dynamic by keeping up with trends starting from the boxed shaped old-school vapes with attached kits and sub-ohm integration that marked the essence of sub-ohm vaping around the world.
After that they’ve amazed the world by stepping in the pod genre launching their extremely addictive Nord series until recently they’ve shared a glimpse of accessibility with their recent releases.
How can it be possible that we talk about e-cigarettes and we forget the major name Voopoo. The initial journey of the brand is unique, taking baby steps as a bio information and technology organisation in 2015. A few years later, they purchased a brand named Woody Vapes based in the US and integrated their technological expertise within that area. Moreover, popular chip manufacturer GENE shared partnership with them to build themselves as a premier of the development and research within the vaping industry.
The brand came without any warning and left every manufacturer in amazement bringing super mods with heavy base and also the pods healing the backbone of the vaping market with their DRAG and Argus collection.
Voopoo has used the partnership wisely by incorporating GENE chips in all the designs making the durability as their asset for their future endeavours so that they can portray themselves as a trusted and relied brand.
The GENE chip provides a vast amount of protection to your vape, preventing burnouts and ensuring the fastest ramp-up times possible. The GENE chipset is also constantly being tinkered with and improved upon, so each new Voopoo device is more sophisticated than the last.
What are they famous for?
They are known for integrated GENE chips in almost all of their pods and vapes which adds protection and make it suitable for every type of user. The chip also helped in resolving burnout issues that mainly occur with pods, delivering immediate ramp-up time.
Last on our list is the famous Vaporesso that originated back in 2015 from its parent company SMOORE, a Chinese technological research company. Although the market knows it since 2006, its technological geniuses haven’t created any such invention that made vapers go wild until the advent of Vaporesso.
Vaporesso is entailed with many researchers and inventors that have their major expertise in the R&D sector. The main aim of the parent company was to get hands-on experience in the uprising vaping industry by incorporating all of their expertise which made Vaporesso popular.
Vaporesso tried keeping up with the boundaries of DTL and MTL while maintaining their extreme dynamics that solely run on providing the best to the users.
By looking at their products extensively, you’ll come to know that they’ve broken down their vapes into different categories. Out of all the vapes the most prioritized inexpensive MTL kit is just $20 which has been a lifesaver for most people aiming to cut off smoking or nicotine intake from their lives.
Looking at the technology used in that vape is having built-in EUCA three coiled system which is designed after considering all the eco-friendly standards. They’ve used only quality material while never focusing on the money.
What are they famous for?
The best thing about Vaporesso is that their prices are reasonable for everyone. The brand is able to give their users a new vaping experience by incorporating unique vaping technology and mechanics without being greedy over money which is a point to salute.
Are E-Cigarettes Beneficial Then?
Most people have wondered this question and have even asked on several platforms that e-cigarettes are more beneficial than normal ones. In our opinion, the answer would be both yes and no, depending on your health condition, daily dosage, and many aspects. Although there is a definite boundary between yes and no, most people seem to forget the line.
Many different scientists and researchers direct their research in finding any link between the usage of e-cigarettes and deadly diseases catching up to humans because of it. You’ll be surprised to hear that the majority of them couldn’t find any relation to get started with and a very least amount of evidence showed a bit of accuracy even that doesn’t say that you could suffer a deadly disease because of vaping.
But even if the research proves a point, it shouldn’t be disregarded that vaping devices are also a source of taking in nicotine which isn’t a very pleasing or desirable ingredient for your body.
Some people try to defend vaping by saying that it doesn’t add tar or any toxic chemicals to lungs, to them the answer is that even if vape doesn’t add tar to your lungs, it dehydrates your body that an hour of vape smoking is equals to draining all the water from your body.
Out of all the cases the only chance in which vaping can hold a beneficial aspect is when used to replace cigarettes or reduce cigarette addiction making it useful for future purposes.
Wrapping up
As we wrap up the blog, you must have known all about the e-cigarettes and vaping history and mechanics up till now. Most people are switching from cigarettes to vapes just thinking that one is better than other but let us resolve your misconception that both of them are equivalent. E-cigarettes and vapes only have the advantage that they don’t combust thus not adding any carbon inside your lung but that doesn’t mean it is good to use.
The only fair chance in which vaping can be allowed is to slowly cut back on your smoking cigarettes. However, there are many options and alternatives in these aspects as well including gums, patches, sprays, and whatnot. So, whether you’re occasional or a serial smoker, try cutting back your smoking habit by switching to the one less harmful and eliminating it from your life altogether.